The Whistler goes live!
Here’s the latest and best take on The Whistler yet, as we reveal more secrets about the play…
Speakeasy on Race
Did I say The Whistler would be on Court Street, and the tickets $10? Oh la! My partners on the ground have found a better space literally around the corner at 815 Race Street. It wasn’t a Prohibition beerhall but you gotta love the name “Speakeasy on Race.” We’ll have less work to do to […]
Auditions for The Whistler
Director Tim Waldrip and our colleague Carol Brammer of the Clifton Performance Theatre in Cincinnati begin auditions next week. I’ve been thinking about the delicate chemistry among roles–how the actor you choose for the male lead and the actor you choose for the female lead must play off each other, either amplifying or cancelling each […]
Our local repertory theater, hight Playmakers, ran Henry IV and Henry V in rotating rep this winter. They were juicy productions, the moreso since I (and half the audience) had recently seen Henry V on trapeze [sic] at Burning Coal. Despite the great resources that this UNC-based production brought to bear, I was really disappointed […]
A First Production!
We’re working on the first full production ever of The Whistler for a May 17th opening at a refurbished storefront theater in Cincinnati, Ohio–the Speakeasy Theater on Court. Please come if you can, and if you can’t then please follow developments on my blog using the tag Whistler (who would have thought?). Also, please consider […]